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Elements 13 - 18 Inches

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12 - 16 Inches

Code Name Image Price Volume Price
50341 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 430 Watts, 120 Volts, 11 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 430 Watts, 120 Volts, 11 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50128 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 315 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 315 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50129 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 265 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 265 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50139 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 375 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 375 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50140 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 325 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 325 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50141 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 260 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 260 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50142 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 675 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 675 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.062 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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51146 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.5 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.5 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50935 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 450 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.5 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 450 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.5 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50056 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 110 Volts, 11.25 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 110 Volts, 11.25 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50120 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 100 Volts, 11.25 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 100 Volts, 11.25 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50416 Mark Andy, P21839, 700 Watts, 140 Volts, 11.4 inches T-T Mark Andy, P21839, 700 Watts, 140 Volts, 11.4 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50727 MM-18A, FFH912B, 450 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.8 inches S-S, #6713454 MM-18A, FFH912B, 450 Watts, 120 Volts, 10.8 inches S-S, #6713454 $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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51170 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.0 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.0 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50393 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 Watts, 30 Volts, 11.1 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 Watts, 30 Volts, 11.1 inches S-S $49.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $34.30

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50391 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 Watts, 30 Volts, 11.1 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 Watts, 30 Volts, 11.1 inches S-S $49.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $34.30

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50408 Mark Andy, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.9 inches T-T Mark Andy, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.9 inches T-T $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50731 Vulcan Hart VQT, VQBKT, 360 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.875 inches T-T Vulcan Hart VQT, VQBKT, 360 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.875 inches T-T $41.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $28.70

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51004 Vulcan Hart, 725 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.875 inches T-T Vulcan Hart, 725 Watts, 104 Volts, 11.875 inches T-T $41.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $28.70

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50415 Mark Andy, P21840, 800 Watts, 140 Volts, 11.9 inches T-T,P21840 Mark Andy, P21840, 800 Watts, 140 Volts, 11.9 inches T-T,P21840 $47.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $32.90

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50481 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 230 Volts, 11.35 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 230 Volts, 11.35 inches S-S $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50986 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 115 Volts, 11.35 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 115 Volts, 11.35 inches S-S $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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51140 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 420 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.0 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 420 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.0 inches T-T $48.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $33.60

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50669 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T, 197841 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T, 197841 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50710 Holman BZ10 and EZ10, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197829 Holman BZ10 and EZ10, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197829 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50711 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197842 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197842 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50712 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197844 Holman 210HX, B910, T710, TT550H, TT700, TX710H, 700 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197844 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50715 Holman 210HX, T710, TT300H, TT450, TX710(H), 425 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197848 Holman 210HX, T710, TT300H, TT450, TX710(H), 425 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 197848 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50724 Holman QCS2-500, 300H, 275 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 198042 Holman QCS2-500, 300H, 275 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 198042 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50725 Holman QCS1-350, 400 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 198061 Holman QCS1-350, 400 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inch T-T, 198061 $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50911 Holman, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50957 Holman, 200 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 200 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50958 Holman, 650 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 650 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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51003 Holman, 450 Watts, 80 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 450 Watts, 80 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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51038 Holman, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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51056 Holman, 800 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 800 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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51158 Holman, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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51159 Holman, 450 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T Holman, 450 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.25 inches T-T $32.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $22.40

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50358 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.6875 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 11.6875 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50273 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 104 volts, 12.4 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 104 volts, 12.4 inches T-T $48.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $33.60

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50372 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 12.4 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 12.4 inches T-T $48.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $33.60

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50250 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.0 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.0 inches S-S $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50980 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.0 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.0 inches S-S $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50473 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 115 Volts, 12 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 115 Volts, 12 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50901 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.00 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.00 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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51154 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.75 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.75 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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51079 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 208 Volts, 12.125 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 208 Volts, 12.125 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50132 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.25 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50937 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.375 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.375 inches S-S $54.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.80

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50737 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 220 Volts, 12.45 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 220 Volts, 12.45 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50987 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 840 Watts, 208 Volts, 12.5 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 840 Watts, 208 Volts, 12.5 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50878 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.5 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 120 Volts, 12.5 inches S-S $54.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.80

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51130 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 560 Watts, 120 Volts, 13.125 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 560 Watts, 120 Volts, 13.125 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50424 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50444 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50985 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 400 Watts, 60 Volts, 13.4 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 400 Watts, 60 Volts, 13.4 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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51155 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.75 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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51081 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.875 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 350 Watts, 60 Volts, 12.875 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50387 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 785 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.975 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 785 Watts, 110 Volts, 12.975 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50426 Merco B2, EZFW, FW, EZT-18, 550 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inch T-T Merco B2, EZFW, FW, EZT-18, 550 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inch T-T $36.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.12

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50332 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 115 Volts, 13.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 115 Volts, 13.25 inches S-S $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50222 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 785 Watts, 240 Volts, 13.47 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 785 Watts, 240 Volts, 13.47 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50085 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 660 Watts, 240 Volts, 13.5 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 660 Watts, 240 Volts, 13.5 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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50133 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50343 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 13.725 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 13.725 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50259 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 104 volts, 14.4 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 104 volts, 14.4 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50260 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 14.4 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 14.4 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50348 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 240 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.625 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 240 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.625 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50339 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 240 Volts, 14 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 700 Watts, 240 Volts, 14 inches S-S $54.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.80

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50346 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 120 Volts, 14 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 120 Volts, 14 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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50445 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 110 Volts, 14 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 110 Volts, 14 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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50119 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 220 Volts, 14.125 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 220 Volts, 14.125 inches S-S $54.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.80

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51060 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 220 Volts, 14.125 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 220 Volts, 14.125 inches S-S $54.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.80

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50035 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.875 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.875 inches T-T $50.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.00

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50134 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9 inches T-T 5/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50288 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9 inches T-T 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50347 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1200 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inches S-S 5/8 Inch Clear Quartz, 1200 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.25 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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51057 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.0 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.0 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50909 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, WB Marvin Quartz Element 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 120 Volts, WB Marvin Quartz Element $25.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $18.75

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50007 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.5 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.5 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50074 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 265 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9375 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Satin Quartz, 265 Watts, 120 Volts, 14.9375 inches S-S $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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51125 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 208 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 208 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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51129 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 208 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 750 Watts, 208 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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50282 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 60 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 60 Volts, 15.0 inches S-S $55.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $38.50

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50953 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.65 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 600 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.65 inches T-T $53.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $37.10

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50009 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 275 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 275 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50067 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 135 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 135 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50083 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50286 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 135 Watts, 220 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 135 Watts, 220 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50304 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 220 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 250 Watts, 220 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50307 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 500 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50327 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 400 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S 3/8 Inch Satin Quartz, 400 Watts, 110 Volts, 15.25 inches S-S $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50277 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 watts, 230 volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 500 watts, 230 volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50281 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 115 volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 115 volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50311 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 360 watts, 240 volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 360 watts, 240 volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50325 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50369 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 300 watts, 120 volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50890 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 635 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.9 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 635 Watts, 120 Volts, 15.9 inches T-T $51.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $35.70

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50086 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 850 Watts, 120 Volts, 16 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 850 Watts, 120 Volts, 16 inches T-T $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50497 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 208 Volts, 16 inches T-T 1/2 Inch Clear Quartz, 1000 Watts, 208 Volts, 16 inches T-T $52.00 Volume Price
As Low As  $36.40

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50690 Holman 214HX, 714W, BF1500, S714, T714, TT1200, TT900H, TT960, TX714, 900 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 in Holman 214HX, 714W, BF1500, S714, T714, TT1200, TT900H, TT960, TX714, 900 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 in $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50713 Holman 214HX, TT900H, TT960, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman 214HX, TT900H, TT960, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50714 Holman 214HX, TT900H, TT960, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman 214HX, TT900H, TT960, 800 Watts, 120 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50716 Holman 214HX 714W BF1500, S714, T714, TT1200, TT900H, TT960, TX714, 900 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch Holman 214HX 714W BF1500, S714, T714, TT1200, TT900H, TT960, TX714, 900 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50717 Holman TBH14, TH14, TT1200, 900 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman TBH14, TH14, TT1200, 900 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50718 Holman TBH14, TH14, TT1200, 900 Watts, 120 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman TBH14, TH14, TT1200, 900 Watts, 120 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50719 Holman TT1200, 214HX, 600W/208V or 800W/240V, 16.25 inch T-T Holman TT1200, 214HX, 600W/208V or 800W/240V, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50720 Holman TT1200, 600 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman TT1200, 600 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50721 Holman 214HX, 800 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman 214HX, 800 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50722 Holman BF1500, 900 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman BF1500, 900 Watts, 208 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50723 Holman BF1500, 900 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman BF1500, 900 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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50726 Holman QCS-3-1400BH, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman QCS-3-1400BH, 800 Watts, 104 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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51055 Holman, 540 Watts, 70 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T Holman, 540 Watts, 70 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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51143 Holman, 600 Watts, 73 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T Holman, 600 Watts, 73 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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51148 Holman DT14M, 600 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T Holman DT14M, 600 Watts, 240 Volts, 16.25 inches T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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51210 Holman 700 Watts, 70 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T Holman 700 Watts, 70 Volts, 16.25 inch T-T $35.70 Volume Price
As Low As  $24.99

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